A boost in Orange fever.
Expectations for the 2014 World Cup are low. There is no mention of an Orange fever. For KNVB partner Staatsloterij, this is an annoying matter. Especially as they will be running a campaign during this period with the theme #Gelooferin. To Players United the question to turn the negative sentiment around in a striking way.
The Canal Tour of '88.
We relive the historic canal tour of the successful '88 Dutch team. In exactly the same boat through exactly the same Amsterdam canals, the tour will take place again. Naturally with the heroes of '88 on board. Accompanied by the European Cup and the press, the heroes of that time already explore the canals. Convinced as they are that Oranje will soon go very far.
Increase in expectations in the Dutch team..
With national attention and positive expectations from the ex-internationals, negative sentiment tilts. Moreover, Staatsloterij realises both attention for its #Gelooferin campaign and an increase in sponsor appreciation.